Monday, May 28, 2007

Skinner Blend Gane

If you've seen the "Extruded Gane" post on "Polymerclaynotes" a couple of days ago, you will see how our French claying neighbour, Dominique, came up with the idea of using the vibrant colors combination extruded clay in her new technique. I felt something crawling underneath my skin. I have got to try that, but I don't have a clay gun. :(
So, I got this idea of using the skinner blend jellyroll canes that I have and used them with the technique. The result is interesting but not as exciting as Dominique's pieces.
So far I only have these monochrome color canes. With different color combinations, I should get different results. Stay tune.
P.S. My Birthday is coming up, clay gun will be on my wish list. ;-)
Fun Fact & Tips: I posted the tutorial of my Skinner blend at my other blog. Check it out. (


Unknown said...

For some reason I couldn't get into the Extruded Gane and I do have a clay gun but when I saw your verssion I got really excited! Might have been the rubber stamp that did it...I dunno! This weekend (if I can wait, I'm going to get a couple of old canes and a big old stamp and see what I come up with. Thanks for sharing!

Silastones said...

Hi, the Extruder Gane was posted on but the original technique was done by a Frenh lady name Dominique. You can see her website at
Her works is really interesting.
Have fun and send some pictures. :)