Saturday, March 31, 2012


I don't make cane, I insist, I mean those intricate flower cane or the Kaleidoscope cane, of which, all the pattern, lines and curves are perfectly aligned, in the middle and on all sides. I was afraid, I think, of making mistake and end up with a big pile of scrap clay. Not only that, I will loose my time, 8 hours a day, when a nurse will come and take care of Ada so I can work.

One day I saw Matt Kernan's canes at Claypen Chat, and was delighted to learn that he was coming to our Guild meeting. "Bring your canes, please, I want to buy some canes from you", I told him. Matt came with a big box of canes that he made. I picked and I chose and I want them all. He was so kind, generous and didn't charge me as much, then offer to make what ever color and pattern I like. Never in my life I would dream of having my very own cane makers. Sound good, isn't it? I took the canes home, reduced them then cut the thin slides and make pillow beads. That way I can make many, many beads out of one cane.

Here are some of the beads I made. i also made some pendants from his canes. It was so much fun to work with his canes. they are so perfect as a kali cane should be. I received a lot of compliments, but all the credit should go to Matt.

I can now cross "making canes" out of my to-do list and focus on design. I have an exciting project that I am working on. Matt's special cane that he made for me is on its way here. I can't wait to get my hand on it. Stay tune, you will like it.

P.S. Here is the link to Matt Kernan's Flickr page.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

They canes are lovely, but look as good as they do because of the care you take in using them. Do you know if this talented man has a website? I'm in the UK so don't have much of a hope of meeting him!